Thursday, January 21, 2010

The future of Manitoba's waters?

The licensing of the Churchill River Diversion (CRD) in Manitoba is proceeding with minimal comment from Manitobans. Most Manitobans may forget this project, given that it was developed in the mid-70's. However, it dramatically impacted two of the major waterways in northern Manitoba, the Churchill River and the Nelson River, and devastated First Nations communities and the environment, in order to maximize hydro-electric development.

First Nations, and rightfully so, are participating in consultations with the Government of Manitoba regarding what they feel should be in the final operating license for the CRD - these are the terms (such as minimum and maximum water flows) that govern whether the CRD will be operated to maximize environmental health and economic and social benefits, or just the latter, for the next fifty years.

The Government is planning on licensing the Lake Winnipeg Regulation project next, which governs the levels and flows out of Lake Winnipeg. The CRD and Lake Winnipeg Regulation together comprise much of the water in Manitoba.

We need to have a province-wide discussion now about how we use or protect, or both, the waters in our province.